fresh meat
you're a rotting fruit
and the flies have stayed away.
but no more.
let your odors
get your ripe flesh eaten 'til there's only core.
keep growing up,
grow chin hair,
grow a beard.
grow a cock,
rock with it out.
wait. love yourself for who
and what you are. wait.
be demure and powerful,
don't act like a stone anymore.
that tends to happen
when you're grown and your eyelids are tired
from flapping like clamshells.
wake up. grow a poker face.
don't masturbate with the same hand you pick the sleep out of your eyes with.
learn some courtesy
tear up a vase with your new fangs
rip out a heart with shiny gold talons
feel the tension and the pressure and the release.
get out of your cave.
grow up.
fuck up
big time.